Saturday, January 12, 2019

This post is a partial re-post from my personal blog.. Changing My Life One Day At a Time
the post is about the Clinton Scandal..  and Surviving R. Kelly

Taking One Day At A Time

I watched on TV last night the Monica and Bill documentary on ABC, which confirmed what I had recently seen in The Clinton Affair on A & E, both shows documented the story of how the affair started and was eventually revealed to the public.  I remember the real life scandal of Bill Clinton's affair while in office.. and unfortunately no matter how sad it was than it is even more disappointing today to watch the shameful events that took place while Bill Clinton was President..

I am sure I am not the only woman who knows men such as Bill Clinton who are not only pervs, but so to speak self gratifying sex addicts. Furthermore their shameful womanizing ways are literally a part of their makeup and one that no matter how disgusting is allowed by those around them.. I know Monica was naïve but she also has to understand she was walking around like a school girl infatuated with the notion that she had something special with the President of the United States. Who was not only married but had a child.  Naive doesn't excuse her from being someone who also did a grave injustice of her role in the White House.  Think about it anyone working within the White House has to know the difference between right and wrong.. and in my eyes if she was clueless than why didn't she just flaunt her affair to everyone.. why be so secretive.. she very well knew it was wrong.  It makes me sad that men in general that act like hound-dogs are given (at least in the past) a long leash in which to act like cavemen.. but really Bill Clinton was our President and while I can't speak for other presidents in the past which I have heard unfortunately stories about .. I can speak on Bill Clinton and how appalled I was that when this scandal first broke when he was in office and there were people everywhere that stated that his extramarital affair didn't affect how he was as a president.. Shameful

However now watching this rehashed scandal play out in multiple documentaries makes me feel as though Monica is trying to play the victim along side the Me Too movement and make monetary gain from her cooperation with the documentaries.. Again this is a truly sad and disgusting scandal to have to revisit.. Literally think about it she may have been naïve but she willing did those sorted things with him .. she sit waiting for him to call in hopes she would have a chance to be with him if only for those lewd moments.. and you can never convince me she wasn't heartbroken when she realized she was just a woman acting like a schoolgirl who needed a reality check ..

If I had been Linda Tripp I can honestly say I would have been even quicker to spill the beans on Monica and tell her how clueless she was acting.. Grow-up for goodness sake.. Act like someone equally as worthy of working in the White House..

Truly sad..

I  also want to sound off about Surviving R. Kelly.. Really since when did we give celebrities a free pass to be disgusting pervs.. Yes I get it .. R. Kelly to many people has been a great artist .. but if you listen to the music and the documentary you must consider some of the songs we thought were great were instead music he had written driven by his sexual perversions.. Bump and Grind, Ignition.. I can remember those songs vividly and it wasn't like I knew them word for word.. or the hidden message behind the songs.. and yes I remember hearing about the video but I never watched it or knew the truth.. as I am sure many other people didn't .. I do however blame the people he surrounded himself with.. Yes I heard them say how he was their employer and what could they do, they needed the paycheck.. Really someone has to tell you that speaking up and doing the right thing.. was the course of action you should have taken..

In many ways the Me Too movement has caused everyone to step up and now speak the truth but did it really take all this time to pass before the shades were lifted.. Another sad carriage of injustice..

I will say however Me Too should embrace the R. Kelly victims because I also lived in a domestic violence relationship and I do not doubt that they lived that life.. being degraded, and isolated is typical of domestic violence.. and it is also typical that victims are blinded (if not brain washed) into thinking they are loved or wanted by the perpetrator.. Also you have to remember these women saw R. Kelly as a huge artist that in many cases was going to help them in the industry..

I was appalled at the documentary Surviving R. Kelly but more so because not only was he allowed by those around him to continue when they said they saw what was happening but after the video came out they continued to look the other way.. even the legal process didn't do a full investigation and charge him as a predator..

I can only say that I think the time of covering lewd behavior is gone .. it is time that we all are held accountable and to a higher standard..

CBS Gayle King Interview with R Kelly

The End

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